Published July 2023 | 374 pages, 152 tables, 90 figures | Download table of contents
Carbon nanotubes are increasingly in demand as conductive additives in lithium-ion batteries for electric vehicles and energy storage. This is driving renewed growth in the global carbon nanotube market, led by multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs).
Key trends include:
- Major producers like LG Chem and Cabot Corporation expanding MWCNT capacities targeting the EV battery market.
- Applications beyond batteries in electronics, aerospace, automotive, sensors, construction, healthcare, and more.
- Technology development for low cost, high purity MWCNTs.
- Emerging single walled carbon nanotube (SWCNT) production.
This market report analyzes MWCNT production, pricing, patents and end user markets. It profiles 139 key carbon nanotube companies.
Key report highlights:
- Market drivers and recent news
- MWCNT production and patents
- Pricing trends
- End user markets including batteries, capacitors, polymer composites, 3D printing, aerospace, electronics, construction, biomedical, and more.
- Comprehensive company profiles. Companies profiled include Canatu, Cabot Corporation, Dexmat, LG Chem, Mechnano, Nanomatics Pte. Ltd., NanoRial Technologies Ltd., and Toyocolor.
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- 1.1 The global market for Multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) 22
- 1.1.1 Applications 24
- 1.1.2 Main market players 28
- 1.1.3 MWCNT production capacities, current (2023) and planned 28
- 1.1.4 Market demand, metric tons (MT) 29
- 1.2 Market developments 2022-2023 32
- 1.3 Market outlook 2023 and beyond 33
- 1.4 Commercial CNT-based products 33
- 1.5 Carbon nanotubes market challenges 33
- 2.1 Properties 36
- 2.2 Comparative properties of CNTs 38
- 2.3 Carbon nanotube materials 39
- 2.3.1 Multi-walled nanotubes (MWCNT) 39
- Properties 39
- Applications 39
- 2.3.2 Single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWCNT) 40
- Properties 40
- Applications 41
- Comparison between MWCNTs and SWCNTs 43
- 2.3.3 Double-walled carbon nanotubes (DWNTs) 44
- Properties 44
- Applications 44
- 2.3.4 Vertically aligned CNTs (VACNTs) 45
- Properties 45
- Synthesis of VACNTs 45
- Applications 46
- 2.3.5 Few-walled carbon nanotubes (FWNTs) 47
- Properties 47
- Applications 47
- 2.3.6 Carbon Nanohorns (CNHs) 48
- Properties 48
- Applications 48
- 2.3.7 Carbon Onions 48
- Properties 48
- Applications 49
- 2.3.8 Boron Nitride nanotubes (BNNTs) 50
- Properties 50
- Applications 51
- 2.3.1 Multi-walled nanotubes (MWCNT) 39
- 2.4 Intermediate products 52
- 2.4.1 CNT yarns 52
- 2.4.2 CNT films 52
- 3.1 Arc discharge synthesis 56
- 3.2 Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) 56
- 3.2.1 Thermal CVD 57
- 3.2.2 Plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) 57
- 3.3 High-pressure carbon monoxide synthesis 58
- 3.3.1 High Pressure CO (HiPco) 58
- 3.3.2 CoMoCAT 58
- 3.4 Flame synthesis 58
- 3.5 Laser ablation synthesis 59
- 3.6 Vertically aligned nanotubes production 59
- 3.7 Silane solution method 60
- 3.8 By-products from carbon capture 60
- 3.8.1 CO2 derived products via electrochemical conversion 60
- 3.8.2 Carbon separation technologies 63
- Absorption capture 65
- Adsorption capture 69
- Membranes 71
- 3.8.3 Producers 73
- 3.9 Advantages and disadvantages of CNT synthesis methods 74
- 6.1.1 Market overview 77
- 6.1.2 Applications 80
- CNTs in Lithium–sulfur (Li–S) batteries 82
- CNTs in Nanomaterials in Sodium-ion batteries 82
- CNTs in Nanomaterials in Lithium-air batteries 83
- CNTs in Flexible and stretchable batteries 84
- 6.1.3 Market opportunity 89
- 6.1.4 Global market in tons, historical and forecast to 2033 89
- 6.1.5 Product developers 90
- 6.2.1 Market overview 93
- 6.2.2 Applications 95
- CNTs in Flexible and stretchable supercapacitors 96
- 6.2.3 Market opportunity 97
- 6.2.4 Global market in tons, historical and forecast to 2033 97
- 6.2.5 Product developers 99
- 6.3.1 Market overview 100
- 6.3.2 Fiber-based polymer composite parts 100
- Market opportunity 103
- Applications 104
- 6.3.3 Metal-matrix composites 105
- 6.3.4 Global market in tons, historical and forecast to 2033 106
- 6.3.5 Product developers 107
- 6.4.1 Market overview 110
- 6.4.2 Applications 111
- 6.4.3 Global market in tons, historical and forecast to 2033 112
- 6.4.4 Product developers 114
- 6.5 ADHESIVES 115
- 6.5.1 Market overview 115
- 6.5.2 Applications 115
- 6.5.3 Market opportunity 117
- 6.5.4 Global market in tons, historical and forecast to 2033 117
- 6.5.5 Product developers 119
- 6.6 AEROSPACE 120
- 6.6.1 Market overview 120
- 6.6.2 Applications 122
- 6.6.3 Market opportunity 123
- 6.6.4 Global market in tons, historical and forecast to 2033 123
- 6.6.5 Product developers 125
- Market overview 127
- Market opportunity 130
- Applications 130
- Global market, historical and forecast to 2033 131
- Product developers 133
- Market overview 134
- Applications 136
- Market opportunity 137
- Global market, historical and forecast to 2033 138
- Product developers 139
- 6.7.3 MEMORY DEVICES 141
- Market overview 141
- Market opportunity 143
- Global market in tons, historical and forecast to 2033 143
- Product developers 145
- 6.8.1 Market overview 146
- 6.8.2 Applications 148
- 6.8.3 Market opportunity 148
- 6.8.4 Global market in tons, historical and forecast to 2033 149
- 6.8.5 Product developers 150
- 6.9 AUTOMOTIVE 152
- 6.9.1 Market overview 152
- 6.9.2 Applications 155
- 6.9.3 Market opportunity 156
- 6.9.4 Global market in tons, historical and forecast to 2033 156
- 6.9.5 Product developers 157
- 6.10.1 Market overview 160
- 6.10.2 Applications 162
- 6.10.3 Market opportunity 163
- 6.10.4 Global market in tons, historical and forecast to 2033 163
- 6.10.5 Product developers 164
- 6.11.1 Market overview 166
- 6.11.2 Market opportunity 167
- Cement 168
- Asphalt bitumen 169
- 6.11.3 Global market in tons, historical and forecast to 2033 170
- 6.11.4 Product developers 171
- 6.12 FILTRATION 172
- 6.12.1 Market overview 172
- 6.12.2 Applications 176
- 6.12.3 Market opportunity 176
- 6.12.4 Global market in tons, historical and forecast to 2033 177
- 6.12.5 Product developers 178
- 6.13 FUEL CELLS 180
- 6.13.1 Market overview 180
- 6.13.2 Applications 183
- 6.13.3 Market opportunity 183
- 6.13.4 Global market in tons, historical and forecast to 2033 184
- 6.13.5 Product developers 185
- 6.14.1 Market overview 186
- 6.14.2 Applications 190
- 6.14.3 Market opportunity 192
- Drug delivery 192
- Imaging and diagnostics 193
- Implants 193
- Medical biosensors 194
- Woundcare 194
- 6.14.4 Global market in tons, historical and forecast to 2033 195
- 6.14.5 Product developers 196
- 6.15 LUBRICANTS 199
- 6.15.1 Market overview 199
- 6.15.2 Applications 201
- 6.15.3 Market opportunity 202
- 6.15.4 Global market in tons, historical and forecast to 2033 202
- 6.15.5 Product developers 203
- 6.16 OIL AND GAS 205
- 6.16.1 Market overview 205
- 6.16.2 Applications 207
- 6.16.3 Market opportunity 207
- 6.16.4 Global market in tons, historical and forecast to 2033 208
- 6.16.5 Product developers 209
- 6.17.1 Market overview 210
- 6.17.2 Applications 217
- 6.17.3 Market opportunity 217
- Global market in tons, historical and forecast to 2033 218
- 6.17.4 Product developers 219
- 6.18.1 Market overview 223
- 6.18.2 Market opportunity 223
- 6.18.3 Global market in tons, historical and forecast to 2033 224
- 6.18.4 Product developers 225
- 6.19 SENSORS 225
- 6.19.1 Market overview 225
- 6.19.2 Applications 228
- 6.19.3 Market opportunity 229
- 6.19.4 Global market in tons, historical and forecast to 2033 229
- 6.19.5 Product developers 230
- 6.20.1 Market overview 232
- 6.20.2 Applications 235
- 6.20.3 Market opportunity 236
- 6.20.4 Global market in tons, historical and forecast to 2033 236
- 6.20.5 Product developers 238
- 6.21.1 Market overview 239
- 6.21.2 Applications 242
- MWCNTs 242
- SWCNTS 242
- Vertically aligned CNTs (VACNTs) 243
- Boron Nitride nanotubes (BNNTs) 243
- 6.22 POWER CABLES 245
- 6.22.1 Market overview 245
7 COMPANY PROFILES 246 (139 company profiles)
List of Tables
- Table 1. Market summary for carbon nanotubes-Selling grade particle diameter, usage, advantages, average price/ton, high volume applications, low volume applications and novel applications. 21
- Table 2. Applications of MWCNTs. 24
- Table 3. Annual production capacity of the key MWCNT producers in 2023 (MT). 28
- Table 4. Multi-walled carbon nanotubes market developments and news 2022-2023. 32
- Table 5. Carbon nanotubes market challenges. 34
- Table 6. Typical properties of SWCNT and MWCNT. 36
- Table 7. Properties of carbon nanotubes. 37
- Table 8. Properties of CNTs and comparable materials. 38
- Table 9. Markets, benefits and applications of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes. 41
- Table 10. Comparison between single-walled carbon nanotubes and multi-walled carbon nanotubes. 43
- Table 11. Comparative properties of BNNTs and CNTs. 50
- Table 12. Applications of BNNTs. 51
- Table 13. Comparison of well-established approaches for CNT synthesis. 54
- Table 14. SWCNT synthesis methods. 55
- Table 15. CO2 derived products via electrochemical conversion-applications, advantages and disadvantages. 61
- Table 16. Main capture processes and their separation technologies. 63
- Table 17. Absorption methods for CO2 capture overview. 65
- Table 18. Commercially available physical solvents used in CO2 absorption. 67
- Table 19. Adsorption methods for CO2 capture overview. 69
- Table 20. Membrane-based methods for CO2 capture overview. 71
- Table 21. Advantages and disadvantages of CNT synthesis methods 74
- Table 22. Example MWCNTs and BNNTs pricing, by producer. 76
- Table 23. Market and applications for carbon nanotubes in batteries. 77
- Table 24. Market analysis for carbon nanotubes in batteries. 79
- Table 25. Applications of carbon nanotubes in batteries. 80
- Table 26. Applications in sodium-ion batteries, by nanomaterials type and benefits thereof. 83
- Table 27. Market scorecard for carbon nanotubes in batteries. 89
- Table 28. Estimated demand for carbon nanotubes in batteries (tons), 2018-2033. 89
- Table 29. Product developers in carbon nanotubes for batteries. 90
- Table 30. Market and applications for carbon nanotubes in supercapacitors. 93
- Table 31. Market analysis for carbon nanotubes in supercapacitors. 94
- Table 32. Market opportunity scorecard for carbon nanotubes in supercapacitors. 97
- Table 33. Demand for carbon nanotubes in supercapacitors (tons), 2018-2033. 97
- Table 34. Product developers in carbon nanotubes for supercapacitors. 99
- Table 35. Market analysis for carbon nanotubes in polymer additives & elastomers. 100
- Table 36. Market and applications for carbon nanotubes in fiber-based composite additives. 100
- Table 37. Scorecard for carbon nanotubes in fiber-based polymer composite additives. 103
- Table 38. Market and applications for carbon nanotubes in metal matrix composite additives. 105
- Table 39. Global market for carbon nanotubes in polymer additives and elastomers 2018-2033, tons. 106
- Table 40. Product developers in carbon nanotubes in polymer additives and elastomers. 107
- Table 41. Market analysis for carbon nanotubes in additive manufacturing. 110
- Table 42. Market and applications for carbon nanotubes in additive manufacturing. 111
- Table 43. Demand for carbon nanotubes in additive manufacturing (tons), 2018-2033. 112
- Table 44. Product developers in carbon nanotubes in additive manufacturing. 114
- Table 45. Market overview for carbon nanotubes in adhesives. 115
- Table 46. Market and applications for carbon nanotubes in adhesives. 115
- Table 47. Market opportunity scorecard for carbon nanotubes in adhesives. 117
- Table 48. Demand for carbon nanotubes in adhesives (tons), 2018-2033. 117
- Table 49. Product developers in carbon nanotubes for adhesives. 119
- Table 50. Market and applications for carbon nanotubes in aerospace. 120
- Table 51. Market overview for carbon nanotubes in aerospace. 121
- Table 52. Market opportunity scorecard for carbon nanotubes in aerospace. 123
- Table 53. Demand for carbon nanotubes in aerospace (tons), 2018-2033. 123
- Table 54. Product developers in carbon nanotubes for aerospace. 125
- Table 55. Market and applications for carbon nanotubes in wearable & flexible electronics and displays. 127
- Table 56. Market overview for carbon nanotubes in wearable electronics and displays. 129
- Table 57. Market opportunity scorecard for carbon nanotubes in wearable electronics and displays. 130
- Table 58. Comparison of ITO replacements. 131
- Table 59. Demand for carbon nanotubes in wearable electronics and displays, 2018-2033. 131
- Table 60. Product developers in carbon nanotubes for electronics. 133
- Table 61. Market and applications for carbon nanotubes in transistors and integrated circuits. 134
- Table 62. Market overview for carbon nanotubes in transistors and integrated circuits. 136
- Table 63. Market opportunity scorecard for carbon nanotubes in transistors and integrated circuits. 137
- Table 64. Demand for carbon nanotubes in transistors and integrated circuits, 2018-2033. 138
- Table 65. Product developers in carbon nanotubes in transistors and integrated circuits. 139
- Table 66. Market and applications for carbon nanotubes in memory devices. 141
- Table 67. Market overview for carbon nanotubes in memory devices. 142
- Table 68. Market opportunity scorecard for carbon nanotubes in memory devices. 143
- Table 69. Demand for carbon nanotubes in memory devices, 2018-2033. 143
- Table 70. Product developers in carbon nanotubes for memory devices. 145
- Table 71. Market and applications for carbon nanotubes in rubber and tires. 146
- Table 72. Market overview for carbon nanotubes in rubber and tires. 147
- Table 73. Market opportunity scorecard for carbon nanotubes in rubber and tires. 148
- Table 74. Demand for carbon nanotubes in rubber and tires (tons), 2018-2033. 149
- Table 75. Product developers in carbon nanotubes in rubber and tires. 150
- Table 76. Market and applications for carbon nanotubes in automotive. 152
- Table 77. Market overview for carbon nanotubes in automotive. 154
- Table 78. Market opportunity scorecard for carbon nanotubes in automotive. 156
- Table 79. Demand for carbon nanotubes in automotive (tons), 2018-2033 156
- Table 80. Product developers in carbon nanotubes in the automotive market. 157
- Table 81. Market and applications for carbon nanotubes in conductive inks. 160
- Table 82. Market overview for carbon nanotubes in conductive inks. 161
- Table 83. Comparative properties of conductive inks. 162
- Table 84. Market opportunity scorecard for carbon nanotubes in conductive inks. 163
- Table 85. Demand for carbon nanotubes in conductive ink (tons), 2018-2027. 163
- Table 86. Product developers in carbon nanotubes for conductive inks. 164
- Table 87. Market overview for carbon nanotubes in buildings and construction. 167
- Table 88. Market opportunity scorecard for carbon nanotubes in buildings in construction. 167
- Table 89. Carbon nanotubes for cement. 168
- Table 90. Carbon nanotubes for asphalt bitumen. 169
- Table 91. Demand for carbon nanotubes in construction (tons), 2018-2033. 170
- Table 92. Carbon nanotubes product developers in buildings and construction. 171
- Table 93. Market and applications for carbon nanotubes in filtration. 172
- Table 94. Comparison of CNT membranes with other membrane technologies 174
- Table 95. Market overview for carbon nanotubes in filtration. 175
- Table 96. Market opportunity scorecard for carbon nanotubes in filtration. 176
- Table 97. Demand for carbon nanotubes in filtration (tons), 2018-2033. 177
- Table 98. Carbon nanotubes companies in filtration. 178
- Table 99. Market and applications for carbon nanotubes in fuel cells. 180
- Table 100. Electrical conductivity of different catalyst supports compared to carbon nanotubes. 182
- Table 101. Market overview for carbon nanotubes in fuel cells. 182
- Table 102. Market opportunity scorecard for carbon nanotubes in fuel cells. 183
- Table 103. Demand for carbon nanotubes in fuel cells (tons), 2018-2033. 184
- Table 104. Product developers in carbon nanotubes for fuel cells. 185
- Table 105. Market and applications for carbon nanotubes in life sciences and medicine. 186
- Table 106. Market overview for carbon nanotubes in life sciences and medicine. 190
- Table 107. Market opportunity scorecard for carbon nanotubes in drug delivery. 192
- Table 108. Market opportunity scorecard for carbon nanotubes in imaging and diagnostics. 193
- Table 109. Market opportunity scorecard for carbon nanotubes in medical implants. 193
- Table 110. Market opportunity scorecard for carbon nanotubes in medical biosensors. 194
- Table 111. Market opportunity scorecard for carbon nanotubes in woundcare. 194
- Table 112. Demand for carbon nanotubes in life sciences and medical (tons), 2018-2033. 195
- Table 113. Product developers in carbon nanotubes for life sciences and biomedicine. 196
- Table 114. Market overview for carbon nanotubes in lubricants. 199
- Table 115. Market and applications for carbon nanotubes in lubricants. 199
- Table 116. Nanomaterial lubricant products. 200
- Table 117. Market opportunity scorecard for carbon nanotubes in lubricants. 202
- Table 118. Demand for carbon nanotubes in lubricants (tons), 2018-2033. 202
- Table 119. Product developers in carbon nanotubes for lubricants. 203
- Table 120. Market and applications for carbon nanotubes in oil and gas. 205
- Table 121. Market overview for carbon nanotubes in oil and gas. 206
- Table 122. Market opportunity scorecard for carbon nanotubes in oil and gas. 207
- Table 123. Demand for carbon nanotubes in oil and gas (tons), 2018-2033. 208
- Table 124. Product developers in carbon nanotubes for oil and gas. 209
- Table 125. Market and applications for carbon nanotubes in paints and coatings. 210
- Table 126. Markets for carbon nanotube coatings. 214
- Table 127. Market overview for carbon nanotubes in paints and coatings. 216
- Table 128. Scorecard for carbon nanotubes in paints and coatings. 217
- Table 129. Demand for carbon nanotubes in paints and coatings (tons), 2018-2033. 218
- Table 130. Product developers in carbon nanotubes for paints and coatings. 219
- Table 131. Market and applications for carbon nanotubes in photovoltaics. 221
- Table 132. Market overview for carbon nanotubes in photovoltaics. 223
- Table 133. Market opportunity scorecard for carbon nanotubes in photovoltaics. 223
- Table 134. Demand for carbon nanotubes in photovoltaics (tons), 2018-2033. 224
- Table 135. Product developers in carbon nanotubes for solar. 225
- Table 136. Market and applications for carbon nanotubes in sensors. 226
- Table 137. Market overview for carbon nanotubes in sensors. 228
- Table 138. Market opportunity scorecard for carbon nanotubes in sensors. 229
- Table 139. Demand for carbon nanotubes in sensors (tons), 2018-2033. 229
- Table 140. Product developers in carbon nanotubes for sensors. 230
- Table 141. Market and applications for carbon nanotubes in smart and electronic textiles. 232
- Table 142. Desirable functional properties for the textiles industry afforded by the use of nanomaterials. 234
- Table 143. Market overview for carbon nanotubes in smart and electronic textiles. 235
- Table 144. Applications of carbon nanotubes in smart and electronic textiles. 235
- Table 145. Market opportunity scorecard for carbon nanotubes in smart textiles and apparel. 236
- Table 146. Demand for carbon nanotubes in smart and electronic textiles. (tons), 2018-2033. 236
- Table 147. Carbon nanotubes product developers in smart and electronic textiles. 238
- Table 148. Thermal conductivities (κ) of common metallic, carbon, and ceramic fillers employed in TIMs. 241
- Table 149. Thermal conductivity of CNT-based polymer composites. 242
- Table 150. Market and applications for carbon nanotubes in thermal interface materials. 243
- Table 151. Market and applications for carbon nanotubes in power cables. 245
- Table 152. Properties of carbon nanotube paper. 341
List of Figures
- Figure 1. Demand for MWCNT by application in 2022. 30
- Figure 2. Market demand for carbon nanotubes by market, 2018-2033 (metric tons). 31
- Figure 3. Schematic diagram of a multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWCNT). 39
- Figure 4. Schematic of single-walled carbon nanotube. 40
- Figure 5. TIM sheet developed by Zeon Corporation. 41
- Figure 6. Double-walled carbon nanotube bundle cross-section micrograph and model. 44
- Figure 7. Schematic of a vertically aligned carbon nanotube (VACNT) membrane used for water treatment. 47
- Figure 8. TEM image of FWNTs. 47
- Figure 9. Schematic representation of carbon nanohorns. 48
- Figure 10. TEM image of carbon onion. 49
- Figure 11. Schematic of Boron Nitride nanotubes (BNNTs). Alternating B and N atoms are shown in blue and red. 50
- Figure 12. Process flow chart from CNT thin film formation to device fabrication for solution and dry processes. 53
- Figure 13. Schematic representation of methods used for carbon nanotube synthesis (a) Arc discharge (b) Chemical vapor deposition (c) Laser ablation (d) hydrocarbon flames. 55
- Figure 14. Arc discharge process for CNTs. 56
- Figure 15. Schematic of thermal-CVD method. 57
- Figure 16. Schematic of plasma-CVD method. 57
- Figure 17. CoMoCAT® process. 58
- Figure 18. Schematic for flame synthesis of carbon nanotubes (a) premixed flame (b) counter-flow diffusion flame (c) co-flow diffusion flame (d) inverse diffusion flame. 59
- Figure 19. Schematic of laser ablation synthesis. 59
- Figure 20. Electrochemical CO₂ reduction products. 61
- Figure 21. Amine-based absorption technology. 67
- Figure 22. Pressure swing absorption technology. 71
- Figure 23. Membrane separation technology. 73
- Figure 24. MWCNT patents filed 2007-2023. 75
- Figure 25. Electrochemical performance of nanomaterials in LIBs. 80
- Figure 26. Theoretical energy densities of different rechargeable batteries. 84
- Figure 27. Printed 1.5V battery. 85
- Figure 28. Materials and design structures in flexible lithium ion batteries. 85
- Figure 29. LiBEST flexible battery. 86
- Figure 30. Schematic of the structure of stretchable LIBs. 86
- Figure 31. Carbon nanotubes incorporated into flexible, rechargeable yarn batteries. 87
- Figure 32. Demand for carbon nanomaterials in batteries (tons), 2018-2033. 90
- Figure 33. (A) Schematic overview of a flexible supercapacitor as compared to conventional supercapacitor. 96
- Figure 34. Demand for carbon nanotubes in supercapacitors (tons), 2018-2033. 98
- Figure 35. Nawa's ultracapacitors. 99
- Figure 36. Demand for carbon nanotubes in polymer additives (tons), 2018-2033. 106
- Figure 37. CSCNT Reinforced Prepreg. 107
- Figure 38. Parts 3D printed from Mechnano’s CNT ESD resin. 110
- Figure 39. Demand for carbon nanotubes in additive manufacturing (tons), 2018-2033. 113
- Figure 40. Demand for carbon nanotubes in adhesives (tons), 2018-2033. 118
- Figure 41. Carbon nanotube Composite Overwrap Pressure Vessel (COPV). 121
- Figure 42. Demand for carbon nanotubes in aerospace (tons), 2018-2033. 124
- Figure 43. HeatCoat technology schematic. 125
- Figure 44. Veelo carbon fiber nanotube sheet. 126
- Figure 45. Demand for carbon nanotubes in wearable electronics and displays, 2018-2033. 132
- Figure 46. Demand for carbon nanomaterials in transistors and integrated circuits, 2018-2033. 139
- Figure 47. Thin film transistor incorporating CNTs. 140
- Figure 48. Demand for carbon nanotubes in memory devices, 2018-2033. 144
- Figure 49. Carbon nanotubes NRAM chip. 145
- Figure 50. Strategic Elements’ transparent glass demonstrator. 145
- Figure 51. Demand for carbon nanotubes in rubber and tires (tons), 2018-2033. 150
- Figure 52. Demand for carbon nanotubes in automotive (tons), 2018-2033. 157
- Figure 53. Schematic of CNTs as heat-dissipation sheets. 158
- Figure 54. Demand for carbon nanotubes in conductive ink (tons), 2018-2033. 164
- Figure 55. Nanotube inks 165
- Figure 56. Comparison of nanofillers with supplementary cementitious materials and aggregates in concrete. 166
- Figure 57. Demand for carbon nanotubes in construction (tons), 2018-2033. 171
- Figure 58. Demand for carbon nanotubes in filtration (tons), 2018-2033. 178
- Figure 59. Demand for carbon nanotubes in fuel cells (tons), 2018-2033. 185
- Figure 60. Demand for carbon nanotubes in life sciences and medical (tons), 2018-2033. 196
- Figure 61. CARESTREAM DRX-Revolution Nano Mobile X-ray System. 197
- Figure 62. Demand for carbon nanotubes in lubricants (tons), 2018-2033. 203
- Figure 63. Demand for carbon nanotubes in oil and gas (tons), 2018-2033. 209
- Figure 64. Demand for carbon nanotubes in paints and coatings (tons), 2018-2033. 219
- Figure 65. CSCNT Reinforced Prepreg. 220
- Figure 66. Demand for carbon nanotubes in photovoltaics (tons), 2018-2033. 224
- Figure 67. Suntech/TCNT nanotube frame module 225
- Figure 68. Demand for carbon nanotubes in sensors (tons), 2018-2033. 230
- Figure 69. Demand for carbon nanotubes in smart and electronic textiles (tons), 2018-2033. 237
- Figure 70. (L-R) Surface of a commercial heatsink surface at progressively higher magnifications, showing tool marks that create a rough surface and a need for a thermal interface material. 239
- Figure 71. Schematic of thermal interface materials used in a flip chip package. 240
- Figure 72. AWN Nanotech water harvesting prototype. 249
- Figure 73. Large transparent heater for LiDAR. 263
- Figure 74. Carbonics, Inc.’s carbon nanotube technology. 265
- Figure 75. Fuji carbon nanotube products. 277
- Figure 76. Cup Stacked Type Carbon Nano Tubes schematic. 280
- Figure 77. CSCNT composite dispersion. 281
- Figure 78. Flexible CNT CMOS integrated circuits with sub-10 nanoseconds stage delays. 286
- Figure 79. Koatsu Gas Kogyo Co. Ltd CNT product. 290
- Figure 80. Li-S Energy 20-layer battery cell utilising semi-solid state lithium sulfur battery technology. 296
- Figure 81. Test specimens fabricated using MECHnano’s radiation curable resins modified with carbon nanotubes. 299
- Figure 82. NAWACap. 311
- Figure 83. Hybrid battery powered electrical motorbike concept. 311
- Figure 84. NAWAStitch integrated into carbon fiber composite. 312
- Figure 85. Schematic illustration of three-chamber system for SWCNH production. 313
- Figure 86. TEM images of carbon nanobrush. 314
- Figure 87. CNT film. 317
- Figure 88. Shinko Carbon Nanotube TIM product. 331
- Figure 89. VB Series of TIMS from Zeon. 351
- Figure 90. Vertically aligned CNTs on foil, double-sided coating. 353
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