August 2017 | Look inside this issue | Buy below or purchase subscription to access content. If you are a subscriber click on the title links to access content.
Market focus: Nanocellulose in Japan
Japan is the leading country globally for nanocellulose production and products. Most major Japanese paper manufacturers have established nanocellulose production capabilities and have started to bring products to the market in the last 18 months. Target markets range from packaging to consumer electronics. Read more
Market focus: Conductive nano inks
Organic and printed electronics involves the interaction of printing, chemistry and advanced electronics and has the potential to revolutionize everyday life. The use of printed electronics has the potential to eliminate the lengthy, material intensive and expensive processes used traditionally (MOCVD, evaporation) for OLEDs. High volume (roll-to-roll printing) manufacturing combined with precision processes allows for singnificant cost reduction for creating flexible electronic devices that integrate nanomaterials and other advanced materials. The exploitation of printed electronic enables thin, flexible, lightweight, low-cost and disposable electronics (active and passive electronic devices, displays and lighting, power supply and sensors). Read more
Application focus: Graphene in steel coatings
There is a need in the steel industry to constantly develop new and more sophisticated products to overcome various challenges. Protecting steel coatings is of importance for a number of target markets, such as energy storage, anti corrosion and shielding components such as sensors that need to operate in extreme environments. Graphene is an attractive solution for the steel industry due to its high electrical conductivity and anti-corrosion properties.Read more
Also in this month’s issue
- Latest investments, deals and funding initiatives in nanotech June-July 2017
- Nanotech business and product news June-July 2017
- Nanotechnology and nanomaterials government, regulation & policy news June-July 2017
- Quantum dots company news June-July 2017
- Graphene business news June-July 2017
- Nanocoatings business news June-July 2017
Published August 2017 | Price: £30 (PDF download) | 31 pages | Buy below or purchase subscription to access all online content
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